August 8, 2024 - TRA Newswire -TxDOT is updating the Texas Rail Plan and we need as many of our Texas Rail Advocates followers to participate as possible! Updating the Texas Rail Plan only happens every four years and your...
July 9, 2024 - TRA Newswire -What kind of rail system do we want to have in future Texas? Do we want corridor passenger trains, high-speed rail, improvements to at-grade rail crossings, faster transit times for shippers with infrastructure improvements,...
April 26, 2022 - TRA Austin -The Infrastructure bill that Congress passed last fall can make an impact on future freight and passenger rail projects in Texas, if the state will only find the means to fund a state match...
August 17, 2020 - TRA Austin Bureau -
The long-awaited update to the Texas state Rail Plan is now available on the Texas Department of Transportation website. The release of the 2019 Rail Plan executive summary and category chapters had been...